What makes you cross in your salon?

Tell me,  how full is your diary looking for next year?

Is that a bit premature?  Are you concerned for your business in 2014?

Well,  there are salons closing.  This never used to happen.


What are we doing wrong in this industry?

For one,  we are not giving people the big "WOW" they are hoping for.  In other words,  they don't have the 'experience' they are hoping for.

Something that makes me crazy mad with my salon owner clients is that they almost feel it's the clients duty to just come in and be thankful that they have had their hair done,  as opposed to the other way around.

Treat your clients like royalty.  And let's start to introduce some colours back into the salons.

How many advertisements are out there showing people how to colour their own hair with a simple application?

What happened to the many colours we all used to love looking at on people's hair around the street?

Let's start introducing some halo colours again?  Some foil work?
Some amazing customer service?  What about amazing drinks?  Even a drink menu?

The big salons are still busy.  Because they are providing a service.  The middle of the road salons need to come up to scratch else they will lose clients again and again until they close and their dreams are dashed.

Offer clients a lovely service.  Do it.  Today!
In my next blog I will share with you the one biggest complaint I hear from salon clients on ALL my customer service reports!  You might be shocked.

Feel free to tell me what you do to WOW your clients?  This way we can share the love and let everyone start too.  Let's get these clients feel like they are happy to pay as it's a real TREAT to goto the salon.
