Why should you blog for your salon? Top 5 reasons.

Salon owners everywhere should be blogging!!!

'Why?!!' I hear you scream,  'I've got enough to do between cutting hair,  seeing to staff,  sorting accounts,  the marketing, the cleaning,  oh the list goes on..'

So true! Sound familiar to you?

Ok, I hear you and you are right.  Totally.  100% right.  There is loads to do.  

However,  if you are sitting with empty chairs,  staff strolling around with less and less to do then you need to start to shout about your salon from the rooftops! 

* What is great about your salon?
* What do you do better in your salon than the competition?
* Why are your staff the best?
* What certificates have you got?

Remember all the great things you have to offer.  If you are sitting there now with a funny face saying,  "Actually,  we aren't that great."  Then needless to say,  you have some work to do on improving that (we will cover lots more in this blog).  Yet if only you guys behind the salon doors are the ones who know how great you are,  then you need to get more vocal.

The days of just advertising once in the local newspaper are pretty much long gone. People are reading online.  You are reading this online.  Imagine how awesome it would be if all your clients could read something like this blog with all your salon news in it and they could also share that with their friends too.  Imagine.

Wouldn't that be fab!  Here's the top 5 reasons you should be blogging:

1.  You can keep your clients up to date with the latest trends in fashion.

2.  Offering the latest news from the salon will create a community feeling which will leave your clients wanting to return again and again.

3.  All your clients will be proud of the 'celebrity online status' your salon has to offer and will share your blog on social media to show all their friends.

4. You will know that your clients are feeling loved and not forgotten and therefore returning.

5.  Profit will increase!

Blogging is the new platform for updates and news and the best way to promote your salon through social media.

Yes, that's right.  No doubt you have caught on and are on Facebook at least,  twitter possibly?  Fantastic.  There are so many other platforms you could be on too.


All are great for sharing images.  Imagine how thrilled your client will be when you ask if they would mind modelling for them for some promotional photos to showcase your work!

Take photos,  share them on all these sites.  Of course,  to keep clients updated with industry news you should write a blog. One like this is simple.  If you are struggling for time, writing ability or simply would like to outsource it,  the best thing you can do is to find a freelance writer with salon industry knowledge to write it for you.  Then,  you simply can click the share buttons at the bottom of the page to keep that news looking professional.

Keeping up with the latest need not cost as much as you think.  Click here to take a look and feel free to ask any questions you have.

Your salon blog - how to.


  1. Feel free to pop your blog links below. I can cast an eye over for you if you like.


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