College education for Hair Stylists

Yesterday,  I held a private coaching session for a very frustrated hairdressing student.

She is studying in the Uk,  NVQ level 3.  The course is due to be completed in June and to date she has taken no assessments,  has no prep for the competition,  none for the hair show and doesn't feel she has learned a great deal.  

Aside from all of this she has some pretty big issues going on in her life which potentially could affect the work of a less determined student.

Needless to say, this is putting her off.  She needs someone to speak to at the college.  She requires a scheme of work.  She has no idea what is going to be taught from one week to the next.  Frustrated for her,  I feel this is not good enough.

As a way forward,  I made an action plan with her to organise her time in the week to deal with study and of course time on her personal issues.  She's doing a great juggling act right now.  I also suggested she contacts a local training school who are a private organisation and ask if she can volunteer to help out there.  I'm sure this will be not only a great confidence building exercise but she will learn from this.

What is going on with college education for hair stylists?  I am beginning to worry that our industry is becoming more and more like the survival of the fittest.  College students are leaving college with little confidence and giving up.  

We really must make these standards consistently high for everyone and make those opportunities available for all who have a passion for this industry.  Education must be the centre of that.  Now I know that this is an unusual instance.  However,  I would love the other educators the chance to offer the pluses of going to college as opposed to starting an apprenticeship.  

Very often,  the apprenticeship scheme can be so valuable for so many trainees as they draw experience from highly experienced stylists and co workers.  

How did you train?  I was college trained.  I was trained very differently from the above description.  Is it down to the individual educator or the system in general?  What are your thoughts?
