What is your business worth?

Have you ever searched:

Salons for sale

in your local area?

Interesting thing about this is,  I was looking last night.

Aside from the price to buy the lease,  there was often
Rent: 12,000
Business rates: 8,000

Turnover: 40,000

Gross profit only £20,000?  Honestly?  What the heck would you bother getting out of bed for.  I saw this time and time and time again on similar salon businesses.
Gross profit means you still have to take off cost of purchases (tubes of colour,  shampoo etc),  staff wages,  new equipment,  that latte that you decided to put through the books and of course,  yourself.

So with so many salons making so little profit what are they supposed to do?  Sell it?

Would you buy a salon that couldn't afford to pay you?

The alternative:  You could turn the business around.  Ever thought of that?
Aha moment………yes of course,  promote,  market,  get the business going and earning more money.

Be honest,  how many salons do you feel are actually making the best of the marketing opportunities out there?  How often do you see salons really going for it on the promotion front?

Have you tried lots of PR for your salon and got nowhere?
Have you decided there is nothing left for you to try?
Have you thought that you really should start doing some promotions but aren't sure where to start?

Whatever place you are in on all the above, leave me a comment down below as we are going to start to tackle all these issues.  Please subscribe to this blog to be able to get some free inspirational ideas on how to change your salon for the better and make it more happy, more stylish and more profitable.
